The day after my significant birthday we packed a picnic and drove for an hour to get to El Torcal. According to my wee book 'El Torcal de Antequere Nature Reserve is the most important, most beautiful karmic phenomenon in Spain and the whole of Europe'. In the Jurassic period this was part of the sea and there are fossils to be found......the limestone material rose to an altitude of 1,300 - 1,400m and it's horizontal structure was maintained. With years and years and years and years of water erosion the most amazing sculptural structures have been formed, at certain angles and in certain lights you see all sorts of figures both human and animal, faces, towers and turrets! It's so spectacular, at times spooky and not unlike a film set!
Some very lifelike 'figures' showing off and one in camouflage!
You can't help but wonder if Picasso had wandered here with sketchbook in hand!
Definite figure far suggestions include an old lady shopping...and a gladiator! I'll leave you to make up your own mind!
I could go amazing! Oh well, OK, one more....this one taken on the way back down the road and when I say down I mean down!